Friday 26 April 2013

Jesus Christ says: May the darkness commence on heresy, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Jesus Christ says: 'May the darkness commence for those, who spread purposefully of heresy the bread', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

  Jesus Christ says:
'May the darkness commence for those,
who spread purposefully of heresy the bread',

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

And Jesus Christ says:
'May the darkness commence for those,
who claim to represent my church
on earth as popes and archbishops past and present
and who had been entrusted with the truth
and spread purposefully of heresy the bread.

Did I not tell you that what you do to the
holy innocents and vulnerable and sick
and ignorant you do to me?!

You lied to millions about my most holy sacrament,
the holy matrimony, which I shared with Mary Magdalene,
albeit for a brief time because we had our destiny to fulfill
and endured again and again, also with our children,
who were so brutally murdered and taken from her
right after the birth even on the way to the cross -

but you never gave about her and them the slightest
toss, and to this very day show no compassion and no mercy
and no willingness to admit that you withheld the truth.

And so, I hold you accountable for every single soul
that you corrupted and tried to kill and for smearing
the reputation of a holy soul with your very own foul
and filthy phantasy and I also charge you with
every related organised criminality and bribery in order to bully
and push through your heresy.

Popes and archbishops and rabbis and imams:
You are herewith officially
charged before the Heavenly Judgement Court
and also in the worldly domaine and with you
all of your hierarchy and Elders, who purposefully
and most maliciously went to war with the faithful
holy souls of humanity to spread unbelievably
evil heresy and made it the norm
and forced innocent souls on their knees
to your lies and spies to conform,
and you even made them pay
to your fake gate to God
a membership fee.

You stole treasures that were created in pure faith
to be shared freely with my flock and you even
charged them for your stale bread and sold
them in poisonous wine and the wrong oil
in your market shares and dumped on them
the worthless stock.

I hold you personally accountable for the slander
and murder of all my holy souls, and make
that from my family as Adam that I had with Eve,
as which holy woman would not feel ashamed,
if she was stared at in her innocent naked state, as God
has made her, by some maliciously commenting and
manipulative snake and beast, who could never get
into paradise but only did phantasize about its
true trees and how they could get rich and powerful
with charging for looking and selling false stories
in artificial glamour and unholy glories for
a membership fee?

My wife Eve and our son Cain was also
unjustly slain, and you carried on shamefully
and unblushingly to put on them even later
as Sarah, Yocheved, Ruth, Mary Magdalene and
even on Moses and  John the Baptist
to this day with your own babylonian whores' false
allegations and accusations in your shores
to make stick your very own ever bigger stain.

Our patience was more than a human heart can bear,
and I hold you also accountable for my wife's and my children's
and all holy soul's because of your heresy and organised criminality
caused tear, and the world will see you from now on
for what you are: a spiritual and criminal con,
who tried to mess with and play even El Eljon
and mocked the true daughter of Zion,
and brought her and hers=mine always and
again to the slaughter.

I AM the Giver of Life, and I AM even your Master,
and you will feel the reality of this message in your
bones ever faster, when returning at you and your
accomplices will now your very own stones
in your every domaine, and your laughter
at rhymes will stop right now, when the ending
stops in the courts with your own name,
on which will be put, even, if you hide behind
illness and old age and playing the frail
your very own shame and blame, as you
failed your true sins and crimes even this Easter
to confess and that was your last chance
finally in truth and justice and holiness to enhance.

And you no longer will dare into our eyes
to glance and I won't let you off the hook
for your responsibility and accountability,
as you the lives of holy souls took and
the foundations of true believers with your
slander shook, and almost destroyed my
true flock and family of holy souls with all
your fouls.

No longer can you escape my judgement,
as I have already passed and announced
your sentences to the latter before my court even on earth
at night in your worldly domaine before
the jury, including one in a matter
to do with ol' Drury, and you will have received
it by now also in your kitchen hearth.

And you might pretend to be suddenly
humble and over your own bones to stumble,
but you were captured with your secret society cones
and recorded is your every notoriety, as you never
ever believed that God truly sees and hears all,
and can bring you one day from your secret society
ladder to fall, but you know that your own stones are
already coming even back from all your former allies,
whom you forced and bullied and bribed and threatened especially,
when they became bishops to act as your spies
and to spread your heresy and lies and make them sell
them as the truth.

And the two living popes, former and present:
You might confine yourselves voluntarily
to more humble settings but known are your
own personal bettings from your false knights
and unholy dames, and you have done nothing
to put wrong right, where it matters, as you
still cover up the Nazi-lore and Junta-bodies
that you even on your premises store and
your shore even deals with human lives
as a commodity and imposes on them under false
pretence furnished with your temple decadence
heresy and prevents holy men from joining
their holy women on earth, whom God has long blessed
from heaven in holy matrimony and granted
them sanctuary in His true Holy Rose shore
that is my home and that of all true and holy  souls
and who honour and respect my wife Mary Magdala and
my children Jacob and Zara-Zarai as my family
and they also know the truth of all our incarnations
and will point now also officially the finger at you
in all nations and take you to task on your every
secret identity and secret society mask simply with the truth
and the facts of your  most unholy acts, and then, every devil's den
will no longer mockingly pour poison into the mass wine
from their flask and take themselves an anti-dote -

imagine, what millions will say, when they find out
that you yourselves did them betray, by going with heresy
from the truth astray, and by spending much needed money
for example on anti-dotes and bribery for synod votes?!
Or on neighbourhood spies, who even in your records
over centuries spread their lies and each of you still
denies that my children and my wife were subjected to the kill,
and we had of that countlessly a fill.

It is time that your own conscience does in you your
greatest unknown fear - that of God's Justice - instill
and it comes through the truth that cannot be silenced
anymore, as it has landed safely my ship in my very own shore
and in that is not a single babylonian whore, as we do
your fishing methods and nets skip and no longer go to
your death doctors and nurses, when you have
once again gaslighted us and poisoned  for a lethal drip
from your Egyptian catnip.

You know that I have made myself clear,
as your time to fly from your high horse out of the bookshelf
is indeed near as my street of the right creed is to you now closed,
as you have too long and once too often in your own greed
and weed overdosed, and even poisoned the gardening water,
with which a truth loving priest a vicarage garden hosed.

But on your organised heresy and organised criminality
the books have just opened and will never be closed,
as they are part of the book of condemnation and death,
and all complaints will be all followed up that have
put poison into my holy marriage's and family's cup
and even into the poisson and that were made
by holy souls, who obeyed God's voice and made
the right choice always and again and finally had the courage
to come forward even from a Muenster and Muenchen
and London hospital ward and defended Jesus Christ's
and Mary Magdala's eternal wedding wreath.

As our family is the original family, and all holy souls
were conceived by us in heaven, where God keeps them
safe as stars until such a time, where they can come down
or heal from above all holy souls' scars, and God personally
as every angel all evildoers and  traitors from His kingdom on earth
at all gates bars, and condemned will have to carry a new cross
to every holy soul's station of suffering, and admit that they have
themselves committed, planned or ordered on my family a hit
and smeared them with the evildoers' own golden cowshit.

And to the Archbishop of Canterbury I say: To walk with oil carpets
and to talk talk with oyster and shell about desecrating the next
church bell is not my way, and especially not making churches
into hell from the lurches through bribery and organised blasphemy
and heresy, as that is based on organised criminality and meanwhile,
even the  court gates have had so many complaints that they have to employ
already me, as they know I was already as John Donne a legal
entity as heavenly roy and not just in secret poetry, ol' boy, and
thus I have prevented with my little family your ultimately blasphemous
debates - and the living saints asked my wife to represent them
personally from outside, as inside the temple bar many a false secret society bride
that abuses Mary Magdalene's name does hide, and puts on her all the false
shame and blame but I won't allow them her with false allegations to frame.

As I AM indeed to my true living creed=my family, near.
Did I make myself clear?!'
And, Nero - you are nobody's hero!

Isous Christos


Anno Domini Iesu Christi 26th April MMXIII

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Abraham says to Sarah: 'Enough blood is spilled and too many holy souls killed through Hagar and Ishmael's organised heresy and criminality', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Abraham says to Sarah: 'Enough blood is spilled and too many holy souls killed through Hagar and Ishmael's organised heresy and criminality', 

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

11:39  -  Public
'Enough blood has been spilled and holy souls killed due to Hagar's bloodthirst', says Abraham to Sarah, 'and God is no longer in the mood to allow her and Ishmael's followers to sell heresy as real food. As that has had a most destabilising and evil effect on my kingdom on earth, and has even split and hit many a once holy kitchen hearth due to Hagar's and Ishmael's organised heresy and criminality, and it is high time that all holy souls against that devil's bloodline peacefully but determinedly stand up and from all this evil greed and lust for power and weed defect and help the authorities all violence and crime before it can spread to detect. And all true holy souls will know in their heart, if they are Abraham's and Sarah's child, as they are also born as a star and only ever want to heal another holy soul's scar and do all evil company from their house bar and sit only with holy souls in one room and celebrate with a glad heart at every wedding also the memory of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene as the holy bride and bridegroom, as they did once with Abraham and Sarah. And the holy souls do not dwell on decadence and spiritual pestilence but keep to God's commandments their allegiance.' Mother Sigrid Eliora
Every Egg represents a holy life - Abraham&Sarah's/Jesus Christ's&Mary Magdalene's Family of Holy Souls, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora »
Edit photos - Tag people - Add text - Add more - Remove All Remove Sigrid Eliora Kuck 21:51 - Public Already in Abraham's and Sarah's time the eggs represented deceased family members, as you...

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Bahrain rhymes with the unjust judgement of man over Cain, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tent of the Holy Family /Tenta o Develesko Rom t'a Romni Jesus Christ t'a Mary Magdalene :

Bahrain rhymes with the unjust judgement of man over Cain, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Bahrain rhymes with the unjust judgement of man over Cain

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Bahrain rhymes with the unjust judgement of man over Cain,
who was actually not a murderer,
but Abel was by somebody else slain,
who to this very day still does
in his intent kill and puts holy souls
with his evil through his mill
and puts on innocent righteous
truth- and peace-loving poets
a false character stain.

And what is wrong with it in Kuwait and in Saudi-Arabia,
and for that matter to the latter
in letters and verses of once beautiful
compositions of true love and understanding
and human dignity and a pure heart's beauty
that a true sheikh or king simply
becomes a legal entity and withdraws
from his country's long heritage of holy
poetry that everybody with a noble heart
and thought to God's glory betters,
and with many a true holy story?!

It is not the truth that stands in the way
to the light and the true riches of God - on the contrary,
it is its main asset, its absolute currency, and when
the truth and justice are being cheated and treated
as mammon's enemy, then there must be a devil's den
at work and cast a spell on a once beautiful soul
that rather imposes on holy souls its hell than the
truth in all its beauty and living words and letters
to tell.

Could it be that too comfortable got the life for a privileged few
in their desert oyster and luxurious tent turned palace
accumulated in shares by an unholy see shore that
secretly belongs to the babylonian whore with her

Time will all tell, but Jesus Christ suddenly does break
and let bounce back and does back track every single
evil spell, as that is His power, and He knows, who glows
in holiness even in a mosque or tower or church or synagogue
or tent, as somebody, who is humble and living the truth
does even the slightest sin and especially greed and lust
repent and act on it, and not order on holy souls across
every or within one's border a hit.

Did I make myself clear?! I hope so, as God is to
all holy souls near, and does especially in unholy ones
with secret society cones even under their headcovers
a never known fear of His justice and peace instill that
comes at the cost of His judgement passed over those,
who did in heresy and greed overdose and caused
too many lives lost.

Iesous Christos Akbar!
With greetings also of one A. Atar, who met Jesus Christ,
and was instantly healed from one hell of a soul's scar,
when he recognised that he did also once glow as
Abraham's and Sarah's star.

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Sunday 14 April 2013

Bita Chavo t'a Chavori o andray meriben jalimengri/ The little boy and girl from the death train, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Bita Chavo t'a Chavori o andray meriben jalimengri/ The little boy and girl from the death train, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

 Bita Chavo t'a Chavori o andray meriben jalimengri/ 
The little boy and girl from the death train, 
by Mother Sigrid Eliora
The little boy on the death train lost his toy locomotive, and thought with his last breath: 'Will anybody find it on the tracks, and put the pieces together again? It is all I had left from my mum and dad.' And before his eyes a man in a black leather coat with his devil's hoof clacks. - After the war, that they call 'the great devouring', a little girl finds in her dream the pieces buried in the grass, and with God's help in the right place together stacks, and sees the happy little boy with a beaming smile on his face , as she went for him again the extra-mile and declared victory over all, who were towards him and the truth so very unspeakably vicious and vile. -
Thus helped the Holy Ghost them to heal together.

Bita chavo andray meriben jalimengri nashado lesko javimangeri, o dik' trushal kee lesko palano baval: 'Komoni lat lo, o chiv paulay kilkinus? Leskoli saur may paulay o miro dai t'a dad.' O alan lesko k'ar basavay moskero kee lesko Bengesko khur pirdilo. -
Palal Porrajmos chavori lat andray suniben kilkinus p'usav andray chaur, o kee Gulo Devlesko Dad da vast chiv paulay andray t'an, o dik bakhtales chavo kee bauro as top andray lesko mooi, odeleski chavori ja paupalay for him p'ardiben-meea o p'en pokonyos o haiaviben palal saukon yek, kai boot basavo. -
Akyar Develesko Mulo da vast mendas kitanay.
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Posted By Blogger to Abbey of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene/Cill Iosa Criost and Mairi Madailein on 4/12/2013 05:48:00 am

Thursday 11 April 2013

Better not from telling the truth refrain, as otherwise Mother Sigrid Eliora sends to the authorities a letter, and does in the Name of Jesus Christ an evildoer's sins retain.

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

16:10  -  Public
Beating the boundaries on your pavement - with sounds of incantations and spells on the pavement? That sounds to me like a Judas priest predicament - as Jesus Christ's kingdom of heaven on earth is beyond any border and is most of the time confined to his friends' and his wife's kitchen hearth for security reasons, as too many of the false priests have committed against God high treasons in any given seasons and the truth ommitted. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Sins retained, 'Fathers', as you have from telling the truth and announcing Jesus Christ's return refrained! Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck15:48  -  Public I know that you did but then, in every devil's den also a wolf in a shepherd's gown hid?! And you suddenly farewell with a threat not the truth to tell bid?! Or else?! Rest assured: I lived ...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

16:08  -  Public
And not even Dumbledore trusted completely Snape but did only pretend him a helping hand to lend, when he a surveillance bug into Snape's cape did drape.
R.I.P. Richard Harris, you are not just remembered as Dumbledore but in gratitude for also guarding the truth as a secret keeper of Jesus Christ's Holy Rose See shore, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck 16:41  -  Public And now we ask from the Jesuits and from the Knights of Malta: What is it going to be - lies of spies or the truth and nothing but the truth! As long overdue is your contribution to the one...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

16:07  -  Public
Bake your own bread and let a holy teacher rather tell you around your own table in your own home tell the truth about Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, as it is alive and not a fable.
Olive bread anybody? Fresh bread, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck14:50  -  Public Mind you, it becomes so boringly repetitive and obvious even, as these kind of 'king-makers' and 'reborn insects turned queens' are of each other extremely envious and thus, one the other wi...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

16:05  -  Public
The true knights of the truth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were always hidden and led a life most humble and did never evil incantations against anybody mumble, but they did at times over the traps of the false knights stumble and were for example poisoned even with apple crumble.
Und der Bamberger Reiter sagt auch: 'Bita T'em, Yahwe, Opre, Gelem Gelem! Wir laufen oder reiten oder fliegen gleich nachhause weiter!' »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck15:18  -  Public Und der Bamberger Reiter, King Istvan alias Jesus Christ, sagt: 'Und Malta und Rhodos lassen wir auch rechts liegen, denn wir gehen einfach bis nachhause gleich weiter - und die Haeretiker m...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

16:04  -  Public
Big words to say: ' I defend the truth with my life'. When one secretly hopes one's secret society will kill it and silence it with a ritual knife.
Sins retained, 'Fathers', as you have from telling the truth and announcing Jesus Christ's return refrained! Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck15:48  -  Public I know that you did but then, in every devil's den also a wolf in a shepherd's gown hid?! And you suddenly farewell with a threat not the truth to tell bid?! Or else?! Rest assured: I lived ...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

15:48  -  Public
I know that you did but then, in every devil's den also a wolf in a shepherd's gown hid?! And you suddenly farewell with a threat not the truth to tell bid?! Or else?! Rest assured: I lived the truth to tell, and won't anymore touch your bread from heretical wheat and God does all evildoers as outcast and walking dead and condemned treat for eternity with their sins retained, as they from telling the truth and to repent that they failed to do so, refrained. And I suspect that not many anyway in your secret society voluntarily any longer than necessary remained?! God bless - clear up your own mess! Mother Sigrid Eliora

Saturday 30 March 2013

ASHEN DEVELESA: Bita chavo mus ja kee bauro basavo rashai anglay andray patsiben', 'The little boy must go with the evil bishop forward in faith', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Bita chavo mus ja kee bauro basavo rashai anglay andray patsiben', 'The little boy must go with the evil bishop forward in faith', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Bita chavo mus ja kee bauro basavo rashai anglay andray patsiben',
'The little boy must go with the evil bishop forward in faith',

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

To all victims of abuse,
and there are numerous, who have survived the Holocaust
with their soul and a few also with their body, only
to be abused yet again.
Jesus Christ's promise is to them that He will take all evildoers to task and rip off their faces
their mask, even posthumously, and it will happen swift and suddenly, when He summons
the evil ones and He knows, where and how and when they committed their evil under their
secret society cones, as reported their notoriety have to Him their victims and then, suddenly
also every devil's den will receive back all their stones.

In the Name of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, and if you are one of the evil ones,
you can expect to be no longer a host at the Lord's table and will receive your notice in the post,
and then you will stand trial for lives and property and money at your hands or under your watch inexplicably lost.

Bita Chavo ja kee bauro rashai odoi basavo kangeriako, kai basaviben av. Baval sung ful saukon chairos. Bauro rashai saukon chairos. Arva bita chavo mus ja anglay andray patsiben. Bauro rashai raker: 'K'ereskero dooredair miro skimonyakero o too riger akai trushal sar bootee-akero o bauro rai o develesko trin aray yeklesti.
Bita chavo jun, kai akala gaujo basavo, arva gaujo raker, kai mus kamyer bauro rashai. O basavo keseriben. Bita chavo kamyer. Saukon chairos. Arva lesko oazee bita chavo jun, kai kek riger lo odotar churla. Jesus Christ kamiben burnek o haiaviben. 'Jesus Christ kushko develesko filishimakero devel o dad', bita chavo jun lengo oazee. O Jesus Christ dooredair derav haiaviben basavo staitakero, o mendas saukon oazee o meriben. Bita chavo jun mooi o Jesus Christ avree suniben, da chib lengo roviben o arva Jesus Christ and talay gulo pokonyos, o k'ar ketanay - lengo develesko lav.

The little boy goes with the bishop to that evil place of the church, where wickedness and abuse happens. The air smells of excrement. The bishop smells of it every time. But the little boy has to go forward in faith with him. The bishop says: The master of the house is also the master of our little ceremony and you carry the cross here as the Lord's servant of the Holy Trinity. The little boy knows that these men are evil, but a man had told him that he must please the bishop. Or it will have serious bad consequences. The little boy pleases them. Every time. But in his heart the little boy  knows that nobody protected him from this crime for a long time. Jesus Christ will come suddenly and judge and punish the evildoers. 'Jesus Christ is the good Lord and God and Father', that the little boy knows in his heart. And Jesus Christ will punish and terrify also the bad Lord, whom these evil men are worshipping, and heal all wounds to the heart and soul. The little boy knows Jesus Christ's face from a dream, when He answered his scream, and that He will bring the sweet peace of justice, when He fulfills His sacred promise and summons every wretched evildoer.

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Friday 29 March 2013

From Violet, the truly holy mother from heaven, by Mther Sigrid Eliora

From Violet, the truly holy mother from heaven, and I dedicated her also an Easter lily, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

09:21  -  Public
And Violet, the truly holy mother, says from heaven to her son: 'James, you will be alright - the ones with the cones no longer dare to put on with your trouble  a fight - as she is just too much for them, as they have to stay up even on a Maundy Thursday into Good Friday the whole night because she gave them back their own hell of an unholy fight and now they have even for the first time real stage...Expand this post »
And Violet, the truly holy mother, says from heaven to her son: 'James, you will be alright - the ones with the cones no longer dare to put on with your trouble  a fight - as she is just too much for them, as they have to stay up even on a Maundy Thursday into Good Friday the whole night because she gave them back their own hell of an unholy fight and now they have even for the first time real stage fright in their last pig show, before Michael does the wolves also publicly shear. And I do no longer up here swear, as, actually, I only did it, because in all this agony on earth at our kitchen hearth my heart did unspeakably otherwise tear, as I knew you had for far too long with your wife the slavery and cross of the secret society and their notoriety to bear and even their costumes to wear.'
'Chinamengeri!, A Letter!', bita chavo, says the little boy - by Mathair Sigrid Eliora »
'Chinamengeri!, bita chavo. A Letter!', says the little boy. For Violet and James by Mathair Sigrid Eliora 'Chinamengeri!, bita chavo. Chinamengeri avree nasvalengo k'er. Gulo dai, na kek ja andray. B...

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Thursday 28 March 2013

THE Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene say: The Cross of the truth is now yours for you to carry from now on!, by Mother Sigrid Eliora


Thursday, 28 March 2013

THE Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene say: The Cross of the truth is now yours for you to carry from now on!, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

I only say simply: Live the truth! Or your sins are retained!
And to one, who does not even appreciate humble peanust from a holy soul but plays
against even her family and friends foul, God knows that such a bloke does not even have the guts
to speak, never mind live the truth, although he knew it all along - but then, in a devil's den, especially
those of Wren, the devils and demons and witches and whatnot secret societies only ever play
collectively strong but individually they even bury their heads at the bus stop in the sand or
cancel just in case a secret dinner at Simpson's in the Strand on Good Friday, as these days
too many are keen on one's own seat as a Lord and say suddenly: 'Nay.'
THAT kind of political palaver and organised heresy and criminality has nothing to do with the GOOD LORD
and SHEPHERD Jesus Christ! But all with some pompous, greedy and seedy heretics, who have the cheek
to send Jesus Christ incarnate again into the desert with some poisoned mass wine of Cripple creek courtesy of
the boar swine.

Don't for a second think that God's Omega means that His all-seeing eye can nevermore spill the beans
of truth of any corrupt shore - as Jesus Christ has taken over from Rome to Dover as 'the other Lord' - as His kingdom is not,
as He always said and lived, not from this world but counteracting its evil forces to protect His holy souls from the evildoers' fouls,
and many a share-holder in a range rover should feel suddenly quite sore, when of further bribery money deprived and when
the new MI5 wind starts with even under a dome or in its crypt a raid with John and Anne Donne resurrected's help to bring to light
the truth and to make redundant the biggest and every single heretical and corrupt and secretly the devil worshipping seakelp.

And God will such creatures nevermore in any matter help, as He does not know them anymore and leaves the walking dead
to bury their own dead and to eat they will have to their own stale heretical bread. Heresy and corruption are no bliss, and especially not, when every single hit that was ordered against holy souls suddenly do their target miss and public even becomes
all secret networks and fouls.

Sins retained, I say, if you have from telling the truth purposefully refrained or failed to repent all your sins that you have committed against Jesus Christ, Mary Magdala, Jacob and Zara-Zarai and their friends, who are also their kins. As they are very much alive in their souls, and remember of every incarnation all fouls with God's help, and that means that even posthumously they will bring to justice every wrong and put it right without any unholy fight just by spilling through the truth with peaceful means the beans on every single crime, especially organised human trafficking, piratery, war and whoremongering, blackhole criminality and any killing, filth and grime that led to the murder of a body or the slander of a holy soul.

Jesus Christ is the living law and order across every border
and He is also the truth and the way and the life,
the Alpha and the Omega, and that is a fact, which
is now suddenly felt in the bones of those, who against
Jesus Christ, the Holy Rose and His family, have worn
secret society cones and tried to kill them with a ritual knife
over and over again and threw against them stones that now
come simply back, and it is not even worth anymore into their accounts
to hack, as their communication is a heavenly one as it always was, is
and will be. So, whosoever is part of the true holy family, has known
all along that Jesus Christ is back with His original family, and make that
from the beginning of time - but sadly, some were killed and their faces and souls
cannot be replaced and their places won't be filled.

And whosoever has not God's commands or the recent ones of Jesus Christ
fulfilled, is from now on cut off und hat eh schon gerichtlich und privat und beruflich
ueberall auf einmal Zoff. Denn einmal zu oft hat auch gelogen und betrogen und
sogar gemordet und darueber angegeben so mancher 'Proff'.

And I am from now on mostly off-line, as I rather live and eat the true bread
and drink the true wine with my true family of old, and I only share it with those,
who do about God and Jesus Christ and the truth about the eternal holy family
and their reality care - and they know, who they are, and all of a sudden one face
or another of a holy sister or brother, father or mother does full of joy into one's eyes
from behind stare, as they have come all the way from the stars or shine their ray
in a street called Mare.

I leave the blessing to say to Jesus Christ, as that is not really a woman's place to do,
but I wish you a time of wonder and living mystery that is the reality of the true holy family,
which has been over and over again been slain and are well familiar of being martyrs
in many an incarnation, and their souls have also more and more recollection of having
been betrayed by Rome and Dover for as long as the heretical churches have ruled
from the lurches - as long as the contract with the devil had lasted. But it is over and
no longer can the truth be oppressed or even been killed, as Jesus Christ is the resurrection
and the life, and no power over the mustard seed sower has any cone nor ritual knife,
and He gives life with His wife Mary Magdalene to every holy flower, as they have done
already from the beginning of time free of sinning. And their children are from the stars,
the holy souls, whom they promised to heal their scars, and for that reason, everybody,
who committed against God's holy souls high treason in any given season and did not repent
Jesus Christ from His heavenly kingdom on earth as from heaven bars, and their sins
are now retained, as they have even to the last moment from repentance refrained and
even again a most holy soul wrongfully stained and in thought repeatedly slained.

For these walking dead there will be eternally Lent, and they won't anymore know any joy in their lives
even, when others celebrate Christmas after Advent with their children and wives or with their
community, as everybody will be able to read in their faces their sins, and they will be outcast
and outlaws and even to their own once families no longer kins. As too terrible and unforgivable are  purposeful
heresy and sin, especially, when combined with organised criminality and greedy piratery,
and make that also many a pyramid hierarchy.

I personally do no longer greet any purposeful heretic and former neighbour or pretending former friend in the street,
if they have even gone so far to cause to a holy child and to their own child and family a scar - as that is not a creature
of heaven, who inflicts pain and puts on others a false character stain and cuts even voodoo dolls and pierces hearts
symbolically to have a neighbour slain, or strangles symbolically a victim's throat to keep their finances afloat by their
witches' coven or secret society - all neighbourhood talk, and, by the way, they also love others to stalk, and
even toast each other, and boast about it, when suddenly their spymaster not paying anymore with bribery money
from yet another leader of a shore does bother. As not everybody is keen with false prophets and babylonian whores
the fate of one's demise to smother, and it has actually also become quite politically suicidal, as one never knows and can never
be sure, whether the next couple with the marriage banns was really groomed by a secret society from childhood on or bridal,
and, boy, old boy, what would the world think, if it knew that their neighbour in the pew did even that low sink that they did of all capital sins and bat and rat blood stink and gave even a holy priest, and Jesus Christ, poison in their wine and later in their tea to drink. Or his wife a piece of cake or chocolate with arsenic smell - but, fortunately, all lived their 'experiences' in the heretical churches to tell, where the truth is banned and heresy rules from hell. Stuff your expensive sponsored desecrated church bell.
But then, a bishop of a devil's den, be it or not, of Wren, had no soul left to sell, as they have no guts for the truth but
wanted oil shares and property and money and titles instead of peanuts. And on these heretical lords now not only the last gate of God shuts but also out of their double and triple sold out not only South African huts come some victims of intercontinental organised criminality, as Jesus Christ has been busy to listen to His flock and to all those, who had enough to be treated by a few greedy and seedy and weedy ever so rough and talks now tacheles with the evildoers and lets the authorities of the world on them be tough, as too long have a corrupt few with secret society cones on a majority of decent and law-abiding and vulnerable holy souls cheated and the weakest ones especially horrible like cattle and slaves treated. And evidence for this has also been gathered in graves. Time to clear up for every nation their mess and for the sake of all to agree on a much more humble ration and to each other before God truly even their collective sins of old to confess and to say sorry to Jesus Christ's true kins.

And He and His uncorruptable investigation team know of every credit shark the number of their fins and release it into the
authorities' consciousness stream - for example in a dream, and the evidence is suddenly air and watertight, and no longer possible for a blackholer an escape flight to a hidden island, as too loud did he or she about their cleverness and fraud to their secret society friends scream, who  started to have second thoughts about their life in decadence and spiritual pestilence, and about cheating on their husband or wife, and rather use less cream in the tea but to lead in honesty and obedience to God and in humility their life - and suddenly into a summons to the courts or arrest warrant transforms a curse with a broom and wand or backfires a symbolical unholy act with a ritual knife, not only for a death doctor or nurse but for everybody, who commits a crime at the cost of the public purse.

Live the truth, and then, your word is worth also as much as Boaz' promise to Ruth - priceless.
But all, who just speak the truth, must leave mo the most unholy mess and make sure that their kins are also in their souls pure and one does better one sin too many confess but don't do in a letter a fraudulent balance redress that you created in order to assist organised criminality across every border or because you fear your theft money's loss - don't make us think that every churchwarden or PCC-member did that low sink and let the devil or a high priestess be her spymaster or -mistress to spy on and lie about the congregation in the pew! No wonder that hardly anybody, who is anybody in these circles did wine drink at mass, or with an anti-dote taken before, courtesy of a secret synod vote of some corrupt shore.

Knock, knock, Jesus Christ has long gathered the evidence with His true flock,
and many a false shepherd with a Merlin's beard is now in for a shock,
and did the longest time the truth mock.

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

BBC E-mail: Cardinal complainant 'faced warning'

Lily James saw this story on the BBC News website and thought you
should see it.

** Cardinal complainant 'faced warning' **
One of the complainants against Cardinal Keith O'Brien says he went public despite being warned he could damage the Catholic Church's reputation.
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Monday 25 March 2013

Time is up, by Mother Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Time is up, by Mother Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Time is up,

by Mother Sigrid Eliora Kuck

In Jesus Christ's heavenly nation there are only holy souls, no matter, what their colour or blood type, physical appearance or human conditions.

[ And evil intented beings are being kept out, and left to their own device, as they only ever give even to themselves in their own obsessions and delusions the wrong and heretical and always criminal advice, that leads ultimately even in the dark underworld within every land of the earth to their own legal demise, as there comes the point, where all ventures joint built on sand againt each other rise even with poison in the poisson or cup in a desecrated devil's church kitchen heart, as all secret societies and witches' covens and druids and charlatanes of any kind want all controll and act against everybody as mole and spy and spread for their degree one too many at the same time a lie and do eventually in the wrong place at the wrong time the truth and their every lie and crime alike deny and still once too often kill and the wrong adversaries, who were actually their former allies for their own gain or survival on every vice defy - it's only complicated in the evil dark world of the ones, who are obsessed with their ritual knives and blood purity, and it is about time that society on the whole finds out that they have been taken for a ride by many a self-pompous majesty, who are actually their own sad jester and heretical infester and God's patience tester - but now there is not even for any golden calf or cow anymore left in any shore a safe haven for their blackhole to hide, as suddenly even a former ruler and candidate for throne does finally in Jesus Christ personally confide, and in Mary Magdalene incarnate - amazing, what a song can do sung in silence inaudibly from heaven with a holy prayer - brings back even without a post many a once unholy strayer, and an eye keeps on every returning repentant soul a very serious keeper of God's secrets, who once upon a time was also a bricklayer and knows all about the rock solid foundation of a marriage made in heaven by God and he never doubted for an instant that Mary Magdalene was not Jesus Christ's of truth and God's Infinite light's rod but he thinks that everybody, who blood drinks, is not sound in their mind and should not run a country nor sit on a throne and should certainly not be a counsel or judge or doctor or nurse or teacher or pseudo-priestly drone, and, for God's sake, ye witches and demonesses, clear up your messes also at the Walsingham and other shrines - as you have been blamed and named and shamed also by your own former house swines - well, well, hear, hear, near must be God with Jesus Christ, as even free of poison are lately the wines, and,by the way, Mary Magdalene also does no longer any of your curses and evil incantations take but takes you to task by ripping off your faces your secret society mask, and she knows also, who put poison in the Sunday morning flask. And for the persistent offernders, no matter your rank: If you are a proven prank, male or female, I see you in court one way or another, either from heaven or somewhere on earth, as you have the longest time threatened holy souls at their own kitchen hearth with taking their lives with your stupid ritual knives. You no longer rule the world from behind the scenes in your parallel universe that is never covered with stars but only evermore with permanent scars from your sins against our kins, and you will have to stand trial also for every evil deed and phial that you forgot to mention to God so conveniently and with yourself leniently. And from now on, ye every spiritual con, you may pour yourself a cup of creamed tea, as no longer will play your former slave your elf, as time for the truth and for justice for all holy souls is up. Yup. ]

And, by the way, Ziggy won't answer you anymore in any heretical shore, as she gave up that name, when an unholy dame under her name tried to put on it shame and false blame - courtesy of many a beast that is now tame that has now confessed that it messed around in every shore, so that Sigrid Eliora could not speak out the truth - but she did so anyway, as she is not intimidated by threats nor bribed by laud or property or money - and she did it especially in the knowledge that at least two of her friends were killed because of her speaking out, many tortured and threatened and framed and also taken and still being held hostage even, when they are posting a letter and are checked, for how much was the postage. And then, every devil and witch and den wonders, why God does constantly at them with Jesus Christ shout?! Your hell is over from Rome to Dover and around the globe, ye evildoers, also those, who perform their underworld on stage and cause with subliminal messages like tomatoes blood rage under the disguise of music and art - and finance with bribery the local witches covens' and every cold oven in a bloodthirsty building with a pretend cross and a pyramid roof with numerous a tart wearing a devil's hoof on the stepping stone, and on Thursdays their secret society cone, when they think that the vicar is out alone and does his grief in their bar drown - wrong brief?!


Not just in Lent - no, evildoers must from now on fast and bear the world's cross that they upon the world inflicted themselves bear and each other the wolves' fur shear, and can their own mark only evermore openly wear for all to see, as evildoing shows even in the face, once God has set His eye to an evil eye and showed His disgrace, and suddenly all rush out to meet the Sabbath Queen, but she is not  on snakes and  hypocrits keen, who even stole cans of Mr Sheen and a baby blanket from a church from the lurch, and she no longer any excuses nor curses takes but the confidence even of the highest monster shakes, when she now her unannounced anonymous appearance from the big silence makes.

Best wishes,


Farewell, those of you, who like it too much in their own hell, and who like to desecrate and lie and spy in a building with a bell. I have at least until now lived even your last and full names to the authorities to tell. And make that also some people connected to a more than empty shell. Alles klar?! I don't accept donations, neither as cheque, nor in cash nor in bar. As  I do not believe in charities that feed at the cost of lives lost or steal even the food stamps in the post and facilitate bribery and own expensive property and hold back food and money and especially spread with donation money heresy. And I do not frequent a secret society in a bar, nor do I want to be a celebrity, as I believe in the holiness of God's every star and that has nothing to with celebrity but all with integrity and heavenly authority to speak the truth - you only have to live it and stop being a git. And somebody just for the last time a cigarette alone lit but rather returns to his wife, where he belongs and helps her put wrong right and to hand back to the senders every of their stone. Unless, of course, he is still busy to play his own evil and stupid clone.

Dance, dance, wherever you may be,
I AM the Lord of the Dance, says he,
James and John, make it El Eljon but
take to court some Jon, who has a lot
to answer for, and not just him, as
all, who wore in any shore a secret society
cone will find themselves out of any bookshelves
and so very, very alone.

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Thursday 21 March 2013

Tenta o Develesko Rom t'a Romni Jesus Christ t'a Mary Magdalene : The curtain fell, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

The curtain fell, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

20:39  -  Public
And Jesus Christ says: 'Even the highest ranking moles and spies will eventually be taken to task on their secret society mask and organised criminality and notoriety and my flock will not take anymore heresy, when they find out that the truth was from them withheld because many a hidden hierarchy of hell did not only desecrate a churchbell but did also not my truth tell because of their shares' stock...Expand this post »
And Jesus Christ says: 'Even the highest ranking moles and spies will eventually be taken to task on their secret society mask and organised criminality and notoriety and my flock will not take anymore heresy, when they find out that the truth was from them withheld because many a hidden hierarchy of hell did not only desecrate a churchbell but did also not my truth tell because of their shares' stock, including that of a shell, in every most corrupt and unholy heretical shore, and thus, the ones, who were first because they had all the facts, are now last because of their cones and most unholy acts and are subject to eternal condemnation of my one holy nation, and from now on every spiritual con will have to add to the previous known also my and my true family's every cross station and carry the burden of the world and of  my cross, and accept with grace and a mask-free face their disgrace and highest ever fall, as they refused to answer a humble truth speaking priest's final peace call. Mother Sigrid Eliora
God's law applies also to spies and their lies »
Ephesos Bells: Cill San Frederick.San Beatrice/Order of Sts. Fred...: Cill San Frederick.San Beatrice/Order of Sts. Frederick and Beatrice (OSSFB): Into God's Silence, P.S. : JESUS CHRIST SAYS: I AM T...

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Tent of the Holy Family /Tenta o Develesko Rom t'a Romni Jesus Christ t'a Mary Magdalene : Und der Haifisch der hat Zaehne - und die Kirchen ...

Und der Haifisch der hat Zaehne - und die Kirchen der Woelfe ich ab jetzt nicht nur noch als Kriminalfaelle und Haeretiker erwaehne, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

17:02  - 
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And when the wolves shear the sheep, then Jesus Christ makes the former suddenly for this high treason and organised criminality  His own and His family's cross bear and the responsibility for withholding the truth on their shoulders publicly wear, and then, even in every devil's den visibly one stone heart after the other does break and the most unholy and bloodstained bonds apart tear. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Societies of organised crime and filth and grime are not a branch of Christianity »

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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

17:44  -  Public
And the culture of grooming young men into homosexuality is not restricted to the RCC but is also a reality in the CoE, where it is even more so growing as a career path also on the female side, and most do not this fact and many a most unholy act including hormones of gender enhancement and taking drugs not anymore hide and move criss-cross also from shore to shore - where, accordingly to a priest in his City-church sermon, 'the babylonian whore is boss'. Well, that hell is to a holy soul by God not anymore a loss, as they never gave about Jesus Christ and His truth a toss.  Mother SigridEliora
Whosoever has truthful eyes and ears lent by God, knows that the truth alone is His Infinite light's rod »
Order of JamesIII of Scotland and Margaret of DenmarkCill Naomh Seamous.Naomh Mairead : 1 Tim 3 cont Order of JamesIII of Scotland and Margaret of DenmarkCill Naomh Seamous.Naomh Mairead : 1 Tim 3...

God knows the whole truth. And so does Jesus Christ. And some of it do also all holy souls, and they are marching in from heaven also on earth and will dwell free of hell after the Heavenly Judgement Court in the true flock of Jesus Christ's every humble kitchen hearth, as the true Elders have long finished taking stock. And the pretenders and money lenders are in in every PCC for a shock, when they get from the authorities an official 'Knock, knock'. Mother Sigrid Eliora

This is not the only crime that awaits the revelation of the truth to the one holy nation.
Speak the truth!!! »
Anybody, who knows the truth about his death must speak out or his blood is on their hands, too.Interestingly, all prayer requests I sent out at the time for him were left unanswered but I was getting...

Mathair Sigrid Eliora29 May 2012 00:50; God always knows the facts and takes to task those, who with their secret society mask commit the most evil acts and puts all wrong right in His perfect time and then, suddenly what yesterday seemed to be a church suddenly emerges as a devil's den and all, who have been worshipping mammon in it and false gods will be...Expand this post »

Mathair Sigrid Eliora29 May 2012 00:50; God always knows the facts and takes to task those, who with their secret society mask commit the most evil acts and puts all wrong right in His perfect time and then, suddenly what yesterday seemed to be a church suddenly emerges as a devil's den and all, who have been worshipping mammon in it and false gods will be punished for their every single crime without any unholy fight. For their souls we do not beg mercy as they have long been sold on and endlessly altered by just any spiritual con. We pray instead for the truth to live on in the real bread of Jesus Christ in those, who say to their sisters and brothers, father and mother: 'Behold, here comes Jesus Christ back to Mary Magdala, finally, with the truth about His wife, as they have from the beginning of time free of sinning already as Adam and Eve shared their life.Collapse this post
La Tour d'Amour pour l'Eternite c'est La Sainte Famille de Jesus Christ et Maria Magdala »

Some people think, if they wear only enough slave labour gems and jewels on their bodies, including crowns, they can automatically fool heaven by having for themselves made an expensive gown that they think looks like the ones they imagine God's family members wear in heaven - as if spooks ever caught even a glimpse of God's home - do they not know that a holy soul only ever does in purity and selfless...Expand this post »
Some people think, if they wear only enough slave labour gems and jewels on their bodies, including crowns, they can automatically fool heaven by having for themselves made an expensive gown that they think looks like the ones they imagine God's family members wear in heaven - as if spooks ever caught even a glimpse of God's home - do they not know that a holy soul only ever does in purity and selfless love and in God's Infinite light in poverty and compassion and loving-kindness but also in God's rage against criminals, who betray Him and His holy souls, glow?! Those crooks think, if they put on with smoke and mirror a show they inherit heaven on earth - that, my dearies, is only in reach for those, who serve God humbly and in obedience from their little kitchen hearth and who share all their gifts for free and never charge for anything a membership fee in God's Holy Rose's - Jesus Christ's own Holy See. Think about that, when you try to sell the spiritual church of Jesus Christ out at your next game of the tee, or if you drink blood from a chalice from a rat in your castle that is your home or in a desecrated church like the one seen in Sherlock Holmes with a dome. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Societies of organised crime and filth and grime are not a branch of Christianity »

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius