Friday 29 March 2013

From Violet, the truly holy mother from heaven, by Mther Sigrid Eliora

From Violet, the truly holy mother from heaven, and I dedicated her also an Easter lily, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

09:21  -  Public
And Violet, the truly holy mother, says from heaven to her son: 'James, you will be alright - the ones with the cones no longer dare to put on with your trouble  a fight - as she is just too much for them, as they have to stay up even on a Maundy Thursday into Good Friday the whole night because she gave them back their own hell of an unholy fight and now they have even for the first time real stage...Expand this post »
And Violet, the truly holy mother, says from heaven to her son: 'James, you will be alright - the ones with the cones no longer dare to put on with your trouble  a fight - as she is just too much for them, as they have to stay up even on a Maundy Thursday into Good Friday the whole night because she gave them back their own hell of an unholy fight and now they have even for the first time real stage fright in their last pig show, before Michael does the wolves also publicly shear. And I do no longer up here swear, as, actually, I only did it, because in all this agony on earth at our kitchen hearth my heart did unspeakably otherwise tear, as I knew you had for far too long with your wife the slavery and cross of the secret society and their notoriety to bear and even their costumes to wear.'
'Chinamengeri!, A Letter!', bita chavo, says the little boy - by Mathair Sigrid Eliora »
'Chinamengeri!, bita chavo. A Letter!', says the little boy. For Violet and James by Mathair Sigrid Eliora 'Chinamengeri!, bita chavo. Chinamengeri avree nasvalengo k'er. Gulo dai, na kek ja andray. B...

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